Mourinho on leaving Real Madrid

Mourinho on leaving Real Madrid

Oct 16, 2017Editorial Staff

ESPNFC spoke with Jose Mourinho recently and as is no surprise to anyone he stirred the pot a bit. In the exchange he mentioned that one day he may tell the truth about his near appointment at FC Barcelona and also his departure from Real Madrid.


We all know that he loves being in the spotlight and making the media salivate with quotes and mysterious mentions. This was no different.


On leaving Real Madrid:


"It was my decision. My decision," he said. "My daughter was going to study in London and at that moment, we thought it was very important to have the family united.

"For me it's very important to be happy. My best results in football came when I was happy. At that moment -- in my third year at Madrid -- I wasn't happy.
"If you win, you are a great coach. He [Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane] has won and he will continue to win. I think that he will win the title as the best coach in the world because he deserves it."
On winning the Champions League with Porto and Inter:
"There are some magnificent things, but also some controversies. That is part of a career," he said. "Winning in Europe with a club from your country [with Porto] -- I think it's special because you go into the history of the club, but also of the country.
"Inter became something very special because it was a relation of love. The group were an old group and it was maybe the final opportunity for this generation. We won for the Moratti family and all the Interisti, giving them an incredible joy.
"I know that when I went to Madrid, it was not the right time to go there, but it was the moment I wanted to go, when Barcelona were at their strongest. I knew it was a difficult time to come to Manchester United too, but this is me."

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